A comprehensive approach to meaningful leisure for children and adolescents

A comprehensive approach to meaningful leisure for children and adolescents


Our project "Improving the Protection of Children in Emergencies in Ukraine by Providing Safe Shelters, Food and Non-Food Items, and Psychosocial Support", which the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya is implementing in partnership with "terre des hommes Deutschland e.V." and with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office, is ongoing. The Committee’s regional partner is the NGO "Happy Children", whose team has taken over the organization of meaningful and useful leisure activities for children, teenagers and their mothers.

The program of activities of the NGO "Happy Children" for 2024-2025 includes day camps, tourist eco-clubs and weekends, creative excursion natural history classes for children, thematic workshops... There will also be a psychological support group for teenagers in war conditions, classes with a speech therapist for preschool children with speech difficulties, and individual consultations with a psychologist/coach. For mothers with children affected by the war, the "Care" rehabilitation and recovery program and the "Power of the Carpathians" recreational weekends for women with children are planned to continue.

So far, three shifts of summer camps have already been held, where children had a great time outdoors with animators, joined team games, and had fun in an amusement park... And during two tourist weekends, teenagers got acquainted with the incredible beauty of the Carpathians in the Rakhiv district, where educational and creative classes on team building, youth leadership, and environmental awareness were held during hiking trips.

In total, more than 1,100 children and 150 adults are planned to be involved in all types of activities throughout the year.

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