More than two dozen participants of the international conference joined the master class on responding to aggression

More than two dozen participants of the international conference joined the master class on responding to aggression


A practical master class "How to behave in cases of aggression and behavioral disorders?" was held online as part of the second day of the international scientific-practical conference "Current issues of a development of the system of provision of educational, social, medical, habilitation/rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities".

The trainer for more than two dozen interested participants was Lucas Wunderlich – mediator, social educator, specialist in crisis Intervention and conflict (Switzerland).

At the preparatory stage for the master class, everyone had the opportunity to fill out the registration form and provide examples of real situations that require professional commentary, recommendations, advice.

The event became part of the practical component of the conference, along with theoretical reports, professional discussions, and provided for the application of empirical experience to the problems faced by persons with disabilities or their immediate environment.

Following the three-day conference, the participants formulated and agreed on a resolution and a roadmap for the year of deinstitutionalization, the main theses of which will be published later.

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More than two dozen participants of the international conference joined the master class on responding to aggression More than two dozen participants of the international conference joined the master class on responding to aggression More than two dozen participants of the international conference joined the master class on responding to aggression

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