Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention

Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention


Today, October 31, a lecture course on physiotherapy and occupational therapy in early intervention from Swiss practitioners started in Uzhhorod on the basis of the Faculty of Health and Physical Education of the Uzhhorod National University.

Almost 50 students, both practitioners, and relevant students took part in the training. Interested experts from Kyiv, Lviv, and Mukachevo also came to Uzhhorod.

The training course was presented by a physical and Bobath therapist from Lucerne Brigitte Berthold and an early intervention specialist, a special educator for preschool children, and an employee of the Early Intervention Service of the canton of Lucerne SilviaZimmermann.

On the first school day, the group worked on issues related to the typical development of a child in the first year of life. The whole course is available on the link in Ukrainian language запосиланням.


The lecture course on early intervention physiotherapy for relevant students and practitioners will last from October 31 to November 8 from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m. at the Department of Health (Uzhhorod, Mytna st., 27, room 1).

The offered training program from Swiss coaches is the first block of theoretical and practical training of specialists in Zakarpattia. Next year, in April, partners from Switzerland will present the next educational block, which will complement and expand the approved educational programs of Uzhhorod National University.

We would like to remind that the tripartite agreement on creation of new educational conditions for future specialists working with people with disabilities was signed on September 23, 2019 by the rector of UzhNU Volodymyr Smolanka, the president of the Association Parasolka (Switzerland) Andreas Schmidand the director of the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattia Natalia Kabatsiy.


Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention Nearly half a hundred trainees participate in a lecture course on Swiss physiotherapy professionals in early intervention

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