We announce the topics of lectures for Transcarpathian specialists by Swiss trainers in early intervention physiotherapy

We announce the topics of lectures for Transcarpathian specialists by Swiss trainers in early intervention physiotherapy


Next week in Uzhhorod, at the Faculty of Health and Physical Education of Uzhhorod National University, Swiss specialists will give a course of lectures on physiotherapy in early intervention.

This is an important step towards the introduction of an effective training system for professionals to ensure the provision of quality social and therapeutic services aimed at socializing and improving the quality of life of persons with a disability.

Lecturers for Transcarpathian trainees are practitioners from Switzerland, whose positive experience is formed by years of work in various social institutions. They are Brigitte Berthold, a physiotherapist and Bobath therapist who worked in the neonatal unit in Lucerne and is now a private practitioner, and SilviaZimmermann, an early intervention specialist, a special education teacher for preschool children, who works in the Early Intervention Service of the canton of Lucerne.

The lectures will raise the following topics:

  • Typical child development of the first year of life
  • Premature Birth
  • Typical development of a child during the second or third year of life
  • Pathological development: hypotension and muscular dystrophy
  • Pathological development: typical forms of cerebral motor disorders (spastic paresis, hemiparesis, dyskinetic syndrome (athetosis) and ataxia).
  • Perception problems of tender age children. Behavior and mental characteristics. Autism
  • Work with parents of children with developmental disabilities. Conducting conversation and counseling.

In parallel with the specified course of lectures, seminars will be held in Uzhhorod by Anton Wagner who is a teacher, trainer, and consultant on existential analysis, a specialist in correctional pedagogy, and director ofSpecial educational school in Biel (Switzerland).The expert will touch on the issues of the special and social education, crisis phenomena in the group and methods of overcoming them, ways of working in a multidisciplinary team, contacting professionals who work with people with disabilities. Seminars for relevant students will last from 4 to 7 November at the Uzhhorod National University.

We would like to remind you that the lecture course on physiotherapy in early intervention for relevant students and practitioners will be held from October 31 to November 8 from 08.00 to 16.00 (with breaks) on the basis of the Department of Health (Uzhhorod, Mytna St., 27, room 1).

The offered training program from Swiss coaches is the first block of theoretical and practical training of specialists in Zakarpattia. Within a few months, partners from Switzerland will be presenting the next educational block, which will supplement and expand the approved educational programs of Uzhhorod National University.

We announce the topics of lectures for Transcarpathian specialists by Swiss trainers in early intervention physiotherapy We announce the topics of lectures for Transcarpathian specialists by Swiss trainers in early intervention physiotherapy We announce the topics of lectures for Transcarpathian specialists by Swiss trainers in early intervention physiotherapy

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