
Although we mostly refer to the center "Parasolka" as a pilot project, which is certainly a positive example of the implementation of deinstitutionalization reform in the country, for all those involved, especially the team of the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya, the institution was a vital necessity – in every sense. The successes of the children from the Vilshany Orphanage encouraged us to create a new environment where their potential could be realized even better, and it was obvious! This year, the Social Habilitation and Rehabilitation Center "Parasolka" is 15 years old, which means that we have done everything right and not in vain.

Each date motivates us to summarize the results, but our "Parasolka" is a constant movement, a process, and the current results are better felt and seen by those who remember the beginning because they were involved in it. What we have today is a huge achievement of the hard work of the Committee, the Association "Parasolka" (Switzerland), the Center’s staff, with the assistance of the relevant government agencies and the leadership of the local self-government bodies of Tyachiv. Currently, 25 people with disabilities living in "Parasolka" have plans and desires, formulate their own point of view, self-actualize in creativity and art, are integrated into the Tyachiv community, becoming an integral part of it, make friends with neighbors, take care of the improvement of their common home, tour abroad, help the Ukrainian army, learn to be independent in everyday life and decision-making... Ours today are operating workshops, early intervention and social services departments... Did we dream of this 15 years ago? No, we did not, but we planned our work in such a way that it became possible.

We have never allowed ourselves to put on rose-colored glasses, have not set an ultimate goal, and have focused on finding a balance between "want", "need", and "can". What we managed to do meets the needs of both the social sphere and its key actors – people with disabilities. The driving force behind the changes in European countries was the efforts of parents of children with disabilities, and independent Ukraine is also following this path, albeit slowly. At the same time, 15 years ago we were dealing with residents from state-owned residential care institution, and now we can, among other things, support families in providing quality social services to children and adults with disabilities. We continue to be motivated by the achievements of our wards, as well as by the requests and needs of clients from outside the institution. Our goal is to reach a level of normalization in society where everyone, regardless of their health status or developmental features, feels equal among equals. We are confident that in the near future we will implement the supported living program, expand the employment opportunities for residents of "Parasolka", and make the facility more energy independent. We will definitely be able to fill the already built walls with life, the right meanings and the necessary functionality.

At a time when the country is experiencing historical upheavals, positive achievements are of particular importance – we want to continue and deepen them. That is why we are moving on!

Nataliya Kabatsiy, Director of the Charitable Organization "Charity Fund "Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya"

Read about how it all started, what "Parasolka" is doing now, what plans we have and what we are doing to make them come true HERE!

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