Сonference on practical work with adults with disabilities will be held in Uzhgorod

Сonference on practical work with adults with disabilities will be held in Uzhgorod


September 19-21, 2018

Along with the scientific reports of Ukrainian and Swiss specialists, the practical methods of work with persons with disabilities will be covered and discussed in the frames of the Conference.

Yet, there are certain services and abilitation services for children with special needs, the question of how to work with adults with disabilities, what moments in physiotherapy and occupational therapy is important, what kind of attention to be paid in the organization of the daily life of an adult with mental disabilities – there are a number of questions that we are only looking for answers in Ukraine, and that we are just beginning to solve them.

Our idea to hold such a conference in Uzhhorod was immediately supported by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Care and Physical Education Ivan Mironyuk. As namely his Faculty trains the specialists in this field.

The conference will be held on September 19-21, 2018 in the premises of Uzhhorod National University.

Those wishing to listen to the presentations, participate in discussions and to communicate with current and future professionals are invited to attend the event. Admission is free for everyone (you can also exit at any time).

Short program of the Conference

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