Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region

Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region


Public Organization "Community for Persons with Disabilities Protection "Hope" in partnership with the CO "Medical Aid Committee in Transcarpathia" and the Department of Early Intervention (DEI) of the Regional Center of Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled Adults and Children in Uzhhorod introduced the grant project "Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region" being implemented with the financial support of the European Union (EU) within and as an integral part of the overall project HealthProm (UK), All-Ukrainian Public Organization "National Assembly of Disabled People (NADP) and CF "Institute of Early Intervention" (CF IEI) "Increasing the ability of public organizations managed by parents to support the implementation of reforms aimed at the rights and needs of children with disabilities in Ukraine".

The aim of the program in the region was to restruct the regional "Transcarpathian platform for early intervention in Ukraine", support parent non-governmental organizations in the Transcarpathian region in order they to play a key role in the promotion and implementation of services on developing children with disabilities and special needs of early age.

The following activities were performed within the project:

- On March 21 and April 3 (dates dedicated to the Down Syndrom and Autism Day) the lectures were conducted on early intervention for students of Uzhgorod National University (Medical Faculty, Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation and Social Sciences) on the subject "Early intervention increases the chances of children to realize their potential." Vocalization of parents' views on good understanding of Early Intervention to convince future professionals, who are not yet familiar with early intervention, of its value, importance and necessity. Venue - the pemise of the Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod. The target audience - 4-5 year students.

- April 19, 2018, 8th of March Str., 46, Uzhhorod The seminar on "Resources for parents of children with disabilities and/or early childhood development delays" was held in the EI Department of the Regional Centre for Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled Adults and Children . During the seminar, the participants were able to get acquainted with the philosophy of early intervention (EI),  practice of providing EI services in Ukraine, existing experience of its promotion in Ukraine, the formation and objectives of the Transcarpathian platform of the all-Ukrainian forum "Parents for Early Intervention". The seminar was attended by the parents raising children with disabilities / or special needs and professionals involved in working with the young children to promote the EI service.

- April 27, 2018, Vynohradiv, Peace square, 5, the seminar "Resources for parents of children with disabilities and / or special features of early age" was performed in the premises of the RSA (large meeting room). During the seminar, the participants were able to get acquainted with the philosophy of early intervention (EI),  practice of providing EI services in Ukraine, existing experience of its promotion in Ukraine, the formation and objectives of the Transcarpathian platform of the all-Ukrainian forum "Parents for Early Intervention".

The seminar was attended by the parents raising children with disabilities / or special needs and professionals involved in working with the young children to promote the EI service from Vynohradiv, Berehovo, Irshava regions, Irshava Regional-Territorial Community.

- May 3, 2018, Mukachevo, Ivan Franko Str., 41, the seminar "Resources for parents of children with disabilities and / or special features of early age" was performed in the premise of the Regional Children Hospital. During the seminar, the participants were able to get acquainted with the philosophy of early intervention (EI),  practice of providing EI services in Ukraine, existing experience of its promotion in Ukraine, the formation and objectives of the Transcarpathian platform of the all-Ukrainian forum "Parents for Early Intervention". The seminar was attended by the parents raising children with disabilities / or special needs and professionals involved in working with the young children to promote the EI service in Mukachevo and Mukachevo district.

- May 10, Svalyava, the seminar was attended by the parents raising children with disabilities / or special needs and professionals involved in working with the young children (Mizhhirrya and Svalyava districts, Svalyava Regional-Territorial Community)

- May 16, Tyachiv, the seminar was attended by the parents raising children with disabilities / or special needs and professionals involved in working with the young children (Rakhiv, Tyachiv, Khust districts, Tyachiv and Vilkhovetska Regional-Territorial Community.)

- June 12, V.Bereznyi, The parents of children with disabilities and / or special needs and professionals involved in work with children of early age are invited to the premise of the Resgional State Administration (V. Bereznyi, Perechyn districts and Perechyn Regional-Territorial Community.)

- Study visit made to the Charitable Fund "Institute of Early Intervention".

- Educational seminar for parents and specialists with the involvement of narrow specialists (physical therapist, speech therapist (feeding, contractual development)

During the lectures, the participants were able to get acquainted with the philosophy of early intervention,  practice of providing EI services in Ukraine, current experience of its promotion in Ukraine. 


Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region Dialogue of parents and specialists for effective promotion of early intervention in Transcarpathian region

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