Almost half a thousand specialists joined the lecture on rehabilitation, physiotherapy and occupational therapy

Almost half a thousand specialists joined the lecture on rehabilitation, physiotherapy and occupational therapy


We announced this event and took great responsibility for its organization. Now we can state that the online lecture by Swiss experts in rehabilitation, physical therapy and occupational therapy took place and gathered a wide audience of interested professionals from all over Ukraine. In total, almost 500 participants joined the event.

It was a substantive conversation, the topics of which were formed in accordance with the monitoring of requests to be as relevant and informative as possible in their presentation. For example, Kathrin Oppliger spoke about the organization of rehabilitation services on the example of the Bellikon Clinic (Switzerland), Nicole Kiefer – about dysphagia in speech therapy, Severin Wechsler – about the use of aids in rehabilitation (splints, orthoses, etc.), Sarah Ewald – about occupational therapy and organization of everyday life for a person with one functional arm, and Bärbel Rückriem – about the peculiarities of selecting and adjusting a wheelchair for children and adolescents. All the speakers are highly qualified specialists with experience in implementing effective practices in working with people with disabilities. According to the participants, their reports and practical demonstrations answered a significant number of applied questions. During the discussion, the speakers from Switzerland also commented on the questions raised in the live chats and directly voiced during the ZOOM conference.

As for the audience, it was a wide range of professionals, including specialized doctors, researchers, university professors and students, representatives of industry NGOs, employees of rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums, parents of children with disabilities, etc. Using simultaneous translation, everyone could find out in real time the details of the application of certain rehabilitation techniques, opportunities for advanced training in their field of work or expanding their professional skills, etc. Subsequently, the registered participants will receive additional instructional and methodological materials on the topics of the presented reports, and other interested persons can watch the lectures in the recording of the lecture broadcast (links to each report will be published on our website, Facebook page, and video – directly on the YouTube channel of the CAMZ).

Recall that the online lecture was organized by the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya and the Parasolka Association (Switzerland) in partnership with Uzhhorod National University, the Regional Clinical Center of Neurosurgery and Neurology of the Zakarpattia Regional Council, and the NGO "Ukrainian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine".

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