Construction of an inclusive cafe-shop has begun in Vilshany

Construction of an inclusive cafe-shop has begun in Vilshany


In no case do we encroach on someone else’s authorship, but this day has come for the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya. Recently, we have started the construction of an important social facility – the inclusive cafe-shop "Kosytsya" on the territory of Vilshany Children Orphanage.

We have already told you about our plan – the idea of creating a social enterprise where it will be possible to organize the sale of products made in the workshops of the institution. In this way, we plan to improve the quality of life of young people with disabilities, who, with the support of specialists, will be able to acquire educational and social skills, integrate into the community life, develop professionally and socialize beyond their environment and teachers. We had long ago developed the concept of the institution, drafted up an initial business plan, created an online store website, and had several architectural solutions for the future building, but the war put all these endeavors on hold, and new priorities emerged as the Vilshany Children Orphanage took in evacuees from other social institutions.

This is how the project of the inclusive cafe-shop "Kosytsya" looks like

Having reconfigured the work of the Committee in wartime conditions, we returned to our "Kosytsya". There is no longer just a foundation on the site of the future cafe-shop, but strong walls with windows and doors ordered, and finishing work is underway inside.

Windows and doors will soon be here

In the fall, we will start training for children who will be involved in the work of the social enterprise – they will be introduced to the concept of the cafe, and an improvised shop will be set up in one of the workshops to acquire practical skills. We believe that by the end of the year we will have time to fully implement the project: the cafe-shop will start working, the online platform will start working with customers, and instead of a fence, the doors of a bright room with hospitable staff – our diligent and sincere wards – will be open. In general, like most of the activities of the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya, the idea of the inclusive cafe-shop is to make fewer fences, restrictions and barriers for people with disabilities.

So let’s keep working and get closer to the goal!

Construction of an inclusive cafe-shop has begun in Vilshany Construction of an inclusive cafe-shop has begun in Vilshany

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