Theoretical training session in emergency psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy is ongoing at UzhNU

Theoretical training session in emergency psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy is ongoing at UzhNU


As part of the implementation of the Memorandum of Cooperation, Uzhhorod National University is continuing theoretical training for lecturers of the Faculty of Health and Physical Education, the Faculty of Postgraduate Education and the Faculty of Medicine in emergency psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy.

This year, a Memorandum of Educational Cooperation was signed between UzhNU and AEPSP (Association Européenne de Psychologie Sapeur-Pompier) and the Laboratory of Psychology and Neurocognition of the Université Savoie Mont Blanc. The training program aims to provide an objective, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach to better understand the impact and importance of emergency assistance to victims of violence, as well as professionals who face situations with high trauma potential. It also aims to better understand the tools/methods for individual or collective support in the emergency and long-term.

The first theoretical module includes 40 hours of lectures by French experts for Ukrainian colleagues. In July, the practical module will begin, where the acquired knowledge will be tested. Subsequently, the educational, methodological and applied developments will become the basis for the formation of relevant educational components for students of Uzhhorod National University. In the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction, the country is interested in training specialists in psychological assistance and accompaniment.

The Memorandum signed this year is the second successful attempt of the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya to initiate and moderate changes in the educational space of Ukraine in the context of training specialists who will provide quality educational, medical, social and rehabilitation services to the population. As a reminder, in September 2019, a trilateral partnership agreement was signed between the CO "MACZ", UzhNU, and the Association "Parasolka" (Switzerland).

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