Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod

Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod


Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod

CO "Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya" has started the Travelling Festival  Docudays UA in Uzhhorod on October 14 from the opening of the  Photo Exhibition "MY ARMY. Seeing by Heart" based on the works from the photo book ".RAW. The History of Ukrainians and Army Change". Its project was presented by the supervisors - Ivan Chernichkin and Anna Voitenko as well as there were invited photographers - Oleksandr Glyadelov, Maksym Levin, Serhiy Morhunov, Yulia Kochetova-Nabozhnyak. They spoke about their recent projects dedicated to the war conflict and also the life of internally displaced persons.


"The aim was to make a story about the changes in the army. Our group collected the photos, we wrote the texts and involved the Canadian photographer Donald Veber in order to get the view from the exterior. Still, for us, Ukrainians, this was is a very personal and sore history, and we wanted to get a "cooled" overview. In a result we created the project of the book ".RAW. The History of Ukrainians and Army Change". The involvement of the foreign expert was required in order to sustain the fairness of presentation: for us, undoubtedly, all our soldiers are heroes, and  obtaining a rather propagandist result may be a problem. Simultaneously, we tell the history through people and, certainly, all this is emotionally inspired", – Anna Voitenko shares.


In addition, there was a film showing "See You" on the opening being presented by its stage director Yulia Kochetova-Nabozhnyak.

The second day of the Travelling Docudays UA in Uzhhorod, October 15, - demonstration of the film "Dzhamala's Fight" (stage director Elin Yonsson) being presented by Alim Aliev, co-founder of "Crimea SOS" and Program Director of "Crimean Home». According to his words, there are 300 cases of human rights violation registered today on the peninsula, besides, there are 47 political prisoners, 18 persons are listed as missing and 6 killed persons on political grounds. In his speech, Aliev specifies such principal tendencies in the reality occurring in the Crimea:

- Militarization: The Crimea has rapidly reformed from tourist place to the military one.

- Construction of alternative, loyal to the Russian government, institutions in the Crimean-Tatar environment.

- Population replacement: during the period of the Crimea occupation more than 25 thousand residents left it, however, the peninsula attracts more and becomes a residence place for the migrants from Russia, in particular, the officials, representatives of special services and business.

- Creation of new identity based on the active propagation of the idea that the Crimea and its residents are the majority of the Russian state and people.


The showing of the film "Audience Emancipated: Fight for Emek Cinema" took place on October 28. The journalist Tetyana Literati was involved in the film discussion as well as the art critic Lina Dehtyaryova, who prepared a speech dedicated to historical and architecture heritage preservation in Uzhhorod.

"The film story is a closely echo to the recent events in the center of Uzhhorod, being sold to a private property the architecture monument of Modernist style is ruined by the new owner", - Lina Dehtyaryova is mentioning. It is said about the Uzhhorod Cinema - an extremely popular place for the townspeople. The building of the cinema in art-deco style was constructed in 1932 according to the project of Kosice architecture Ľudovít Oelschläger)*.

On October 29, the audience had an opportunity to write postcards to Oleh Sentsov and Sasha Kolchenko in the frames of yearly promotional action performed by the Committee and watched the film "Process: The Trial: The State of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov/ Askold Kurov/ Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic / 2017/ 70'


Photos from the events of the Travelling Festival Docudays UA organized by the regional partner CO "Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya" in Uzhhorod (author - Mykhailo Melnychenko).


Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod Travelling Festival Docudays UA in Uzhhorod

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